Workshop Photo Report:
Conducting Literature Review for PhD Thesis

Program details
This 5-day workshop, organised by CHSS and the Faculty of Human Sciences, Royal University of Phnom Penh, took place at Sanna Villa Residence, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia.
Participants were provided with conceptual and practical knowledge about how to conduct literature reviews. When writing a PhD thesis, literature review is one of the most critical components.
Topics covered in the workskshop:
- Understand the significance of the literature review.
- Understand how to search for, cite, and compare the existing literature to identify similarities.
- Understand how to contrast the existing literature so that the repetitive research can be avoided.
- Understand how to critique the existing literature so that novice problems can be identified.
- Understand how to connect the existing literature so as to form credible research problem and puzzle.
- Understand how fieldwork can generate unique data that will validate or challenge the existing literature.
Workshop photos

The full schedule for the event is below –
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