Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences & Supporting Under-Represented Scholars of Asia

CHSS · Supporting Under-Represented Scholars of Asia
This four-year project (03/2022-02/2026) aims at reducing the vulnerabilities of Southeast and South Asian low-income countries through policy-pertinent research, especially in post-conflict and conflict areas to stimulate peace building, cooperation and development.
This collaborative project will pursue its objectives through cooperation, exchange, and the creation of a ‘network of networks’ centered on four main partners located in different parts of the region. These include two universities based in Southeast Asia (Thailand and Cambodia) and two in South Asia (India and Pakistan). In addition, the project will work with an East-Timorese institutional partner to continue fostering the field of Timor-Leste studies.
With generous support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and our hosts at Universitas Gadjah Mada, this year’s AAS-in-Asia conference featured a series of graffiti and street art events highlighting the work of local artists and graffiti writers from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The project’s aims

The “Multiple Marginalities” conference was the first event held under the “(CHSS) project, with the support of (SIDA).
CHSS In Motion
See below for the latest posts from CHSS and its partners.
“This support made it possible for me to embark on field research trips to Kashmir, where I witnessed some truly majestic moments and was able to capture them with my camera. I am humbled and profoundly grateful to the AAS. My time in Kashmir was life-changing, and I owe it all to the CHSS program. Without this support, I would not have had the chance to visit Kashmir, let alone witness and capture these awe-inspiring scenes.”

CHSS Target Participants
CHSS Target Countries & Regions
South Asia
Sri Lanka
Southeast Asia
Parts of Indonesia (e.g., Aceh, Maluku, Papua, West Papua)
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Parts of the Philippines (e.g., Mindanao)
CHSS Project Components

AAS Project Partners
The Association for Asian Studies “Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences and Supporting Under-represented Scholars of Asia” is a project supported by Sweden.

CHSS Project Hubs and Focus Point in South and Southeast Asia
To lay a solid foundation of this project, we build on the selected institutions’ strategic geographical locations, teaching resources, and accounting and reporting capabilities. The ‘regional Hubs’ will help us identify and develop the capacity of underserved universities that are often located away from the largest cities and/ or in areas of conflict. The Timor-Leste Focus Point will develop the profile of Timor-Leste Studies.
Cultivating the Humanities and Social Sciences & Supporting Under-Represented Scholars of Asia