The 2023 AAS-in-Asia in Daegu is the 8th iteration of the AAS-in-Asia conference, happening after a two-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The last AAS-in-Asia, which was in partnership with a consortium of Japanese institutions, took place entirely virtually in August 2020. Thus, Daegu is the first in-person conference since Thailand in 2019 and more than 1,200 people from more than 40 countries with 270 scheduled panels are expected.
The theme of the Daegu conference, “Memory, Preservation and Documentation,” has attracted an unusually high number of excellent quality panel proposals. The program committee received more than 400 applications, the most ever since the AAS-in-Asia initiative was first launched in Singapore in 2014. These intellectual and cultural exchanges promise to be rich and fulfilling over these 4 days of conference.